All of MDC’s on-line quotation capabilities are directly linked to our two insurance software solutions:
These fully adaptable insurance software solutions were designed specifically for insurance companies and brokers to enable them to quote for business on a 24 hour a day basis to their target market demographic, in a low cost and low risk environment.
Some of the advantages of using MDC’s software solutions to power your web quotations include:
- Full control over rates quoted
- Transparent sales process
- Seamless Integration with back office solution
- No re-keying of data required
- Potential customers can be directed to Call Centre staff to complete more complicated transactions
The ability to host on-line web quotations on your organisations website enables you to provide a 24/7 operation hence extending your ability to win new business during non-core hours.
Clearly this gives your business a significant advantage over any competitors who have not yet fully integrated this service into their business model.
Another of the main advantages of quoting on the web for business is that you can reduce your company’s exposure to unnecessary risk by fully modifying the parameters of your quotations in conjunction with your underwriters.